Conscious advice.
A compilation of articles to help you to be your true self and to follow your own path.
Part 3 - Leading in the Now and Post Pandemic
Something to ponder as we head into the New Year; who or what are you relinquishing control over by putting it into the ‘uncontrollable’ basket?
Part 2 - Leading in the Now and Post Pandemic
Does this sound familiar? With finite resources, you're being consistently pressured to deliver more and deliver faster. Each day, more and more work comes your way. Everyone is exhausted.
Leading in the Now and Post Pandemic
As we continue to adapt to a world of uncertainty leaders need to help their people find certainty in the things they can control, provide direction and a centre of focus through prioritisation, and most importantly set boundaries that allow clarity and provide a sense of control over their experience.
What Is The Key To Building Resilient Teams? Recovery
These statements and more I hear daily from the leaders I work with. Not only are they concerned for the impact on the quality of work, but also for the health of their people.
Start your journey
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