Conscious advice.
A compilation of articles to help you to be your true self and to follow your own path.
Part 3 - Leading in the Now and Post Pandemic
Something to ponder as we head into the New Year; who or what are you relinquishing control over by putting it into the ‘uncontrollable’ basket?
Part 2 - Leading in the Now and Post Pandemic
Does this sound familiar? With finite resources, you're being consistently pressured to deliver more and deliver faster. Each day, more and more work comes your way. Everyone is exhausted.
Leading in the Now and Post Pandemic
As we continue to adapt to a world of uncertainty leaders need to help their people find certainty in the things they can control, provide direction and a centre of focus through prioritisation, and most importantly set boundaries that allow clarity and provide a sense of control over their experience.
What Is The Key To Building Resilient Teams? Recovery
These statements and more I hear daily from the leaders I work with. Not only are they concerned for the impact on the quality of work, but also for the health of their people.
Self-doubt Is Not A Barrier, It's Part Of The Process
Have you ever had one of those inspirational light bulb moments and before you can tell anyone, you've already talked yourself out of it and remained silent?
The Confidence Of Success
I've spoken to many professional women all whom feel a sense of loss in their confidence during this disruptive time of rapid change and uncertainty.
It's Time To Take Matters Into Your Own Hands?
Have you ever decided that you were going to cook your favourite meal? You write down a list of all the ingredients you need, pop down to the grocery store to purchase them and bring them home. Then for one reason or another, it never gets cooked? This is exactly what happens with the development planning process.
Do You Know What It Takes to Lead Virtually?
I still remember the very first time I was thrown into the deep end to lead a fully virtual team, it was in January 2011, during the Brisbane floods. To provide some context, I was already leading a team in a ‘flexible work’ environment. Put simply, a flexible work environment is a mix of team members working co-located in the office and work from home on a rotation. So, when we were required to pack up our things and all head home to work remotely, honestly, I thought it wouldn’t be very different to how the team already operated.
Leading Through Uncertainty
We are certainly living through unprecedented times and with that comes uncertainty, fear and anxiety. Over the last two decades we’ve become accustomed to things changing and changing quickly, but never this rapidly. We find ourselves living and working in a very unfamiliar environment; self-isolation, social distancing, working from home, leading virtual teams.
Conscious Leaders Mind the Gap
Exceptional Leaders are conscious leaders who understand the KNOWING-DOING Gap; the difference between knowing what to do and actually doing it.
Joy: What A Great Leader Needs To Know
Whether you lead a team or lead yourself, when you are leading with joy you understand the importance joy plays in igniting creativity and innovation; the role it plays in maintaining a healthy mind; and how it improves empathy, communication and connection. And you also know that it can’t always be about work, that sometimes purposeless is good.
What Is Effective Decision Making?
We are constantly making decisions, from the moment we wake in the morning until the time we go to sleep at night. But how many of those decisions do we make consciously? How many do we stop and think through what form of action we should take?
Podcast: How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome and Recognise Your Own Potential
This week on The Desmore Chats With Podcast, I chatted with all about imposter syndrome, how to let go of comparing ourselves with others, fear of failure, self-worth and cultivating inner confidence. This is a powerful conversation that will help you to build a deeper more meaningful connection with yourself. Most importantly helping you to recognise your own potential and finding your way back home to your inner world and soul.
An Unsuspecting Lesson In Leadership In A VUCA World
It was Sunday week ago, on Mother’s Day, I was one of those ten excited women at Brisbane Airport discussing what awaited us on our holiday kayaking and camping in the Whitsunday Islands. Tranquil waters, spectacular views, white pristine beaches, accessing secluded beaches, being at one with nature and, of course, wine. What we didn’t talk about, nor did it even cross my mind, was a lesson in the importance of leadership in a VUCA world. Confused?
Curiosity Breeds Awareness (And I’m Quietly Confident It Didn’t Kill The Cat)
I remember back then, watching her with fascination, as she explored each room for the first time. Just as she did on the weekend, full of curiosity as she cautiously approached different objects; touching, sniffing, jumping, rubbing up against them. All the while learning how to interact and react with the objects in the room;
Always Choose Conscious Living: The Unconscious Mind Is A Caged Mind
Imagine for a moment, you’re a young bird perched high on a branch in the mountains ready to take flight, flapping your strong wings as you rise high into the sky, stretching your wings as wide you can to glide high above the trees as you catch the wind currents – what a sensation. But you can’t, you’ve never flown as you’re a caged bird. Your natural instincts simply a gnawing feeling inside, an internal conflict that can’t be understood.
Living Authentically Means to Live Outside of Social Norms
It was the closest thing I can imagine to be a puppet and the director, producers, choreographers the puppeteers. From the moment you step foot on the stage and the curtains open, the true authentic YOU disappears.
It’s Not Another “Chicken and the Egg” Story; Or Is It?
Ok so it is another “Chicken and the Egg” story. My dilemma – I’m finding an increasing number of people using the words worthiness and confidence interchangeably and this got me thinking - do you need confidence to feel worth? Or do you need to feel worth before you can be confident?
The Great Wall Of Confidence
September 2013, at the age of 41, was my very first overseas holiday and of all places in the world I chose China. Yep China. I signed myself up (alone) for a women’s only trekking adventure to the Great Wall of China, mostly staying in home stays
Why Perfectionism Is Like A Debilitating Disease That Needs To Be Managed
Have you personally experienced or watched someone close to you suffer from a degenerative disease? Quite often, the initial signs of the disease are subtle, you may not even know anything is wrong; dismissing the signs for stress, tiredness or age. But as the disease worsens the symptoms don’t go away.
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