Mindful conversations.

success Kathryn Maggs success Kathryn Maggs

Assumptions of Success

What assumptions do have about and around what success is?

We all have them and often they are the very thing stopping us from achieving the very success we desire.

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adapt Kathryn Maggs adapt Kathryn Maggs

Adaptability; How Easily Do You Adapt?

Human beings don't necessarily dislike change, but they do dislike having change forced upon them. Adaptability, and how quickly or not you are able to adapt to a new situation, has a significant impact on your wellbeing, your family and your workplace.

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drifter, navigator Kathryn Maggs drifter, navigator Kathryn Maggs

Are You A Drifter Or A Navigator?

There are two types of people in life, those that go with the flow, living life to the expectations of others - the Drifters. Then there are Navigators, those who consciously design their lives based on their values, strengths and purpose. Which one are you?

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intention Kathryn Maggs intention Kathryn Maggs

Your Intention Sets Your Attention

Or to quote Osho, "thoughts are the seeds you plant in the garden of your mind". Both of these are saying the same thing; if you don't consciously choose the things you want to focus on, then your attention will be 'grabbed' by the next shiny thing, the loudest thing, or worse, your sub-conscious habits and beliefs.

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reset Kathryn Maggs reset Kathryn Maggs

Slow Down, Stop - Then You Are Ready to Build Momentum

When we are on the rat wheel that is life we spend a significant part of our day reacting to others and we don't build in “white space” to stop and clear our thoughts. Time to reset and consciously think through how we want the day, the month, the year to unfold.

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Kathryn Maggs Kathryn Maggs

Walls and ‘Armouring Up’ for Protection?

We all do it, we build walls to "protect" us from being hurt. And I don't mean walls in the literal sense, I mean it metaphorically. These walls are meant to protect us from being hurt, judged, humiliated, or worse. But the down-side is bigger than we think.

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festive season Kathryn Maggs festive season Kathryn Maggs

Your Survival Guide to the Festive Season

This time of year, for many, can often be stressful, overwhelming and cause frustration. But it doesn't have to be, in fact this time of year should be joyous and fun.

So I've put together some tips, a sort of survival guide to help you through the festive season. I wish you all a very merry, joyful and stress free (well less stressful than usual) festive season.

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confidence Kathryn Maggs confidence Kathryn Maggs

Leading With Confidence Within The Complexity

We all agree confidence is key to achieving success, whether it be success in your career, your dreams, or your family’s success. But in a world of increasing complexity what does it take to be a confident leader and where do the truly successful leaders source their confidence?

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self belief Kathryn Maggs self belief Kathryn Maggs

Belief, Do You Believe In You?

Do you believe in yourself? Do you back yourself when things become unknown or uncertain, even a little scary? Or have you allowed other’s beliefs of you define who you are? For many of us, this is exactly what we do. We live our lives believing what others believe of us, measuring ourselves against other’s expectations of us.

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listening Kathryn Maggs listening Kathryn Maggs

What Type of Listener Are You?

I am sure you will agree, effectively listen is a basic human skill. It's effective listening that helps us built strong connection and rewarding relationships. It’s what makes us great leaders, great parents and great friends. So why are so many of us so bad at it? Sometimes we even find ourselves not listening at all.

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joy, play Kathryn Maggs joy, play Kathryn Maggs

The Importance of Joy & Play

Joy is fundamental to our happiness and wellness. And where does joy come from? It's different for everyone, but if you are aware of Brene Brown's work or the work of Dr Stuart Brown, Joy comes from Play. But we live in a world where play for adults is considered unproductive, childish or even a guilty pleasure.

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criticism Kathryn Maggs criticism Kathryn Maggs

The Fear of Criticism

We all feel fear: the fear of the dark, heights, even snakes or spiders. We even fear being humiliated or failing at something. Many of us don’t start new ventures because we fear failure – but perhaps it’s really about the fear of criticism. The fear of what others will say instead of what we will learn from the experience.

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