Mindful conversations.
Below you’ll find some videos I’ve created to share my wisdom with you, to help you along your own personal journey.
Filter by category
- adapt
- authentic self
- awareness
- change
- clutter
- comparing yourself
- confidence
- conscious living
- criticism
- drifter
- fake it till you make it
- fear
- fear of risk
- feeling discontent
- festive season
- gratitude
- growth
- imposter syndrome
- intention
- joy
- jumping to conclusions
- leadership
- listening
- mindfulness
- navigator
- new beginning
- play
- progress
- reset
- self belief
- self-doubt
- success
- workshop
What Type of Listener Are You?
I am sure you will agree, effectively listen is a basic human skill. It's effective listening that helps us built strong connection and rewarding relationships. It’s what makes us great leaders, great parents and great friends. So why are so many of us so bad at it? Sometimes we even find ourselves not listening at all.