Mindful conversations.

new beginning Kathryn Maggs new beginning Kathryn Maggs

Create A New Beginning

New Life - New beginnings. You have the ability, we all have the ability, to create a new beginning whenever we choose. And what a better time than Easter to do so. Did you know the Egg is an ancient symbol of New Life ... New Beginnings? In fact it can be traced back to Ancient Egypt and Pagan ceremonies.

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feeling discontent Kathryn Maggs feeling discontent Kathryn Maggs

Feeling Discontent? I Beg You, Stop Feeling Guilty About It!

How many times are you heard the words .... I can't complain, I have nothing to complain about really? How many times have you said these words yourself? In my work, I hear them all the time. And you know what? You can complain if you are feeling discontent and you don't have to feel guilty about feeling discontent, despite your seemly successful life.

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imposter syndrome Kathryn Maggs imposter syndrome Kathryn Maggs

Imposter Syndrome; Do You Suffer From It?

Ever felt like you’re in the wrong room, you must of been invited by accident? You know five other people who are better qualified to talk about this topic? You sit there feeling like a complete fraud right? This is imposter syndrome, a psychological pattern where you doubt your accomplishments and have an internal fear of being exposed as a "fraud".

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change Kathryn Maggs change Kathryn Maggs

What’s In A Word?

Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end – Robin Sharma. And change requires want, intent and desire. One of the things I’ve noticed that helps keep you focused on your intent is a ‘Word’, but not just any word, a word just for you, picked by you - Your Word.

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mindfulness Kathryn Maggs mindfulness Kathryn Maggs

How To Stay Grounded And Calm During The Holiday Season

Different things work for different people, so if you're not sure what works for you, start with some mindfulness - its easy to get started using one of the Apps (I use smiling mind, headspace or calm) and all you need is 5-10 minutes. Incorporating this simple habit will help get you through the holiday season in a state of calm.

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growth Kathryn Maggs growth Kathryn Maggs

Are you growing? And I don't mean physically.

We are living things and all living things are either growing or disintegrating, so if you are not consciously choosing to grow, then whether you realise it or not you are disintegrating. So do you currently have a passion project? If not then think about all the things you want, really want, pick one, write it down and start taking action towards it.

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conscious living Kathryn Maggs conscious living Kathryn Maggs

Make Conscious Living Your Philosophy

Habits and beliefs created and influenced by our conditional upbringing and environment, the majority of which are created during and influenced by our formative years. So, what other unconscious habits has your mind created? How often to you do act or react in a particular way and later wish you had acted differently?

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clutter Kathryn Maggs clutter Kathryn Maggs

To Clutter Or To Declutter, That Is The Question.

Those who know me, know I can’t stand clutter. It drives me crazy, distracts me and I can’t concentrate until it’s dealt with. And there is good reason for me feeling this way. There has been much research and many studies on clutter and it’s all bad news. So what does clutter do to us?

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workshop Kathryn Maggs workshop Kathryn Maggs

Getting Stuff Done - Workshop

When was the last time you took some time out for yourself and contemplated, an exercise I call the 4R’s – Review, Refresh, Reset, Restart? This is exactly what my workshop “Getting Stuff Done” is created to achieve, to give you the space and time to think. And to help you get a head start on the things you want to achieve in 2019.

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Kathryn Maggs Kathryn Maggs

Travelling and Ego - What's the Connection?

Ego often gets a bad wrap and there are good reasons for this, but ego is also beneficial when managed well. Ego feeds your identity and helps create a uniqueness that makes you individual. It gives you a sense of self-importance and worth, building self-confidence and self-belief.

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confidence Kathryn Maggs confidence Kathryn Maggs

Let's Talk About Confidence

Confidence … is it a case of you either have it or you don't? I don't believe this is the case. To me confidence is on a continuum and depending on where you are at and the things that are happening in your world, confidence can rise and fall.

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progress Kathryn Maggs progress Kathryn Maggs

You Need to Slow Down to Create Momentum

Are you a tortoise or a hare, or a bit of both? There are times when life gets crazy and you feel out of control. This is when you need to very consciously SLOW DOWN to make progress and to move forward, instead of chasing your tail.

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authentic self Kathryn Maggs authentic self Kathryn Maggs

Being Your Authentic Self Means Challenging Social Norms

But the reality is by living true to our authentic self we not only still belong, but we find fulfilment and content where previously we felt resentment and discontent. Let’s discuss the challenge of social norms and reflect on what decisions you've made in your life that have lead you to where you are today; who influenced those decisions, would you like your story to have a different ending and what changes would you need to make to do this?

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